Saturday, May 8, 2010

Should I post all my reflections and questions?

I recently read a thought-provoking blog, If Only Time Was Really An Issue by my course instructor Jeff Utecht. It encouraged me to take time, as an educator, to reflect. So I did. On my computer I tapped out a reflection on a recent teaching assignment, thinking it would make an interesting blog post and fulfill this week's posting requirement for the tech course. However, those thoughts will not be published. Turning in a hand-written reflection for my teacher to review requires a certain balance of courage and trust, but making my reflection public in a post which anyone can read, infringes on my sense of privacy.

I have had the wonderful opportunity this year to work as a substitute teacher in classes all across the school. I have seen the programs at work and have tried my best to keep student learning on track as per the plans left to me by the teachers. I am very excited about the new programs the school has adopted for Math, Science, Reading and Writing, and I am impressed with how each teacher implements the programs in ways that meet the specific needs of the students and skills/personalities of the teacher.

In jotting down my reflections, I realized that I have a lot of questions too. I will be joining the faculty next August and am thrilled to finally be a part of such a dynamic, hard-working, thoughtful and talented group of educators. I trust some of my questions will be answered in time, but I am not certain if it is wise to pose all my questions here. For the time being, I think I will guard my reflections and questions, but the maxim "Leave no answer unquestioned" will be nagging me.


  1. I'm glad you took the time to reflect. Not every reflection needs to be posted for the world, but I do hope you get to a comfort level where you can share some of your reflections about your own classroom. Reflecting is such a great way to learn, we know that from a teacher's point of view, I just hope more teacher's take the time to reflect and learn. It's a powerful practice to get into.

  2. During the two years that I student taught, I kept a daily journal reflecting on the things that I saw in the classroom. I don't refer back to these on a daily basis now that I'm a teacher (who has the time?), but it was a good way for me to process everything that I had seen and experienced.

    Our tech blogs are essentially what I would have written in my journal but in a published, public form. I still struggle with it. But I am learning to let go and let the words flow!
